12 other works by Christy
174 more works by Christy are available at www.Booth3540.com
Onward The Bridal Procession
 Onward The Bridal Pro...
Look At These Arms
 Look At These Arms
She Was The First To Die
 She Was The First To ...
Every Sentence Began Or Closed With Priscilla
 Every Sentence Began ...
A Wonderful Man Was Caius Julius Caesar
 A Wonderful Man Was C...
Now To The Grave Of The Dead
 Now To The Grave Of T...
Why Dont You Speak For Yourself
 Why Dont You Speak Fo...
Through The Plymouth Woods John Alden Went
 Through The Plymouth ...
She Sang The Old Puritan Anthem
 She Sang The Old Puri...
And Gave Him A Seat By The Fireside
 And Gave Him A Seat B...
And Now It Never Can Happen
 And Now It Never Can ...
Winding His Sinuous Way
 Winding His Sinuous Way

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goto www.Booth3540.com and select any image by Christy and
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