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    Showing sources currently having pieces in our catalogs


    An Improved System of Geography - 1868 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are full color political maps of the US and other parts of the world - all from 1868.

    Colliers World Atlas and Gazetteer - 1938 - Illustrations by Rand McNally
    A beautifully illustrated atlas. Interesting to see the differences to todays maps.

    New Geography Book One - 1920 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are interesting world maps from 1920 that include lots of information.

    New Geography Book Two - 1920 - Illustrations by Various
    These are interesting world maps from 1920 that include lots of information.

    Physical Geography - 1873 - Illustrations by Guyot
    These are large beatiful maps (most fold out) of the world showing various features and weather. They are in near perfect condition.

    The Eclectic Complete Geography - 1883 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are full color political maps of the US and other parts of the world - all from 1883.


    Life and Work of Henry Ward Beecher - 1887 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are magnificent little lithographs of etchings documenting the life and work of Beecher.

    Life of Hon. James G. Blaine - 1884 - Illustrations by Unknown and Various
    These are lithographs of etchings accompaniing a biography of a famous US Representative, Senator, Secretary of State and contender for the presidency.

    Little Journeys various volumes - 1912 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nicely done small portraits of famous historical people.

    Our Worlds Great Benefactors - 1887 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are Emblematically Embelished Portaits of famous people.

    The Life of Florence Nightingale - 1942 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed paintings portraits and photographs of Florence Nightingale through her life.


    Pitkin Pride of Britain Books - 1967 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are 24+/- page booklets originaly sold in the vestibules of Cathedrals in Europe. They are full of both Color and B/W photos with descriptions of the parts of the building. Many also have floor plans. These are great for Architects and Architectural Students.


    Flowers of the Field and Forest - 1882 - Illustrations by Isaac Sprague
    These are exquisitely printed and beautifully painted images of original watercolor by one the Americas most famous and talented nature painter. Issac Sprague worked with Audabon.


    French cartoons of street vendors - - Illustrations by Vernet
    These are charming hand-tinted french cartoons of street vendors.

    The Rules of Golf - - Illustrations by Crombie
    These are the famous Crombie rules of golf perfect for any golfer you know. They are ideal for framing for the study or office.


    Black Beauty His Groom and Companions - 1907 - Illustrations by Austin and Toaspern
    These are nice little B/W illustrations of horses done for this book.

    Down the River - 1937 - Illustrations by Agnes Miller Parker
    These are magnificent and whimsical wood engravings

    Life on the Mississippi - 1883 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are wonderful little lithographs of etchings showing various scenes and characters from the novel.

    Tall Timber Tales More Paul Bunyan Stories - 1904 - Illustrations by Livesley
    This is little book of Paul Bunyan Tales with charming black and white pen and ink drawings illustrating each of the stories.

    The Knockabout Club Alongshore - 1883 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are wonderful lithographs of etching showing scenes from the novel.

    Tom Brown at Oxford - 1885 - Illustrations by Hall2
    These are wonderful little etchings of a boy's college life. The illustrate the novel.

    Under the Dog Star - 1900 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are cute lithographs of etchings of animals (mostley dogs and cats) and children from a novel written from the dogs persepective.

    Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse - 1920 - Illustrations by Various and Unknown
    These are from one the famous Bookshouse series for Children consisting of poems and colored drawings.


    A Dictionary of Thoughts - 1905 - Illustrations by Unknown Artists
    These are beautifully reproduced protraits of famous thinkers.

    Audubon Fifty selections with commentaries by Roger Tory Peterson - c195 - Illustrations by Audubon
    These are faithful reproduction of paintings from Birds of America by Audubon

    Gems for the Fireside - 1883 - Illustrations by Various
    This is collection of Fiction and other writings accompanied by very nice etchings.

    Golden Thoughts on Mother Home and Heaven from Poetic and Prose Literature of all Ages and all Lands - 1883 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are charming and sweet etchings of the theme of mother home and heaven.

    Modern Eloquence Vol IX Occasional Addresses M-Z and Vol I After-Dinner Speeches - 1900 - Illustrations by Unknown Artists
    These are photgravures taken from photographs of eloquent speakers

    No Name - ? - Illustrations by Various
    These are all different and not from a particur publication

    The Beautiful the Wonderful and the Wise - 1885 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are charming and well printed lithographs of etchings with the subject matters of mother children etc.

    The Golden Censer - 1882 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nice little lithographs of etchings.

    The Homes of our Country - 1882 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful little etchings of family and home life

    The Model Speaker - 1894 - Illustrations by Various
    These are wonderful lithographs of etchings showing scenes from the writings.

    The Royal Path of Life - 1878 - Illustrations by Various
    These are magnificent engravings depicting various stages of life.

    The Steinway Collection - 1919 - Illustrations by Various
    These are very impressive prints of famous paintings by famous American artists of famous classical music composers and are exquisitely presented.

    The Works of Rabelais - 1873 - Illustrations by Dore
    These are humourous and well-printed etchings following the various stories.

    Trumpet Blasts or Mountain-Top Views of Life - 1892 - Illustrations by Various
    These pieces are varied in type, style, color and subject matter; but many are quite nice.


    A Six-Cylinder Courtship - 1907 - Illustrations by Underwood
    These a beautiful little painting depicting characters and scenes from the novel.

    A Tale of Two Cities - 1911 - Illustrations by Phiz
    These are extraordinary etchings by Phiz, Dickens most famous illustrator.

    An Old Sweetheart of Mine - 1902 - Illustrations by Howard Chandler Christy
    These are beautiful drawings from life with a small amount of pink in the otherwise black-and-white presentation.

    Babs the Impossible - 1900 - Illustrations by Keller
    These a beautiful little painting depicting characters and scenes from the novel.

    Balladen Buch - 1907 - Illustrations by Various
    These are wonderful, put alarming paintings from Germany

    Barnaby Rudge and Edwin Drood - 1890 - Illustrations by Phiz and others
    These are striking black and white lithographs of etchings depicting scenes and characters from the novel by the most famous of the Dickens's Illustrators

    Canterbury Tales - 1934 - Illustrations by Rockwell Kent
    These are gorgeous woodblocks in black and brown ink. They are very stylized in the Art Deco style.

    Character Sketches of Romance Fiction and the Drama - 1892 - Illustrations by Various
    These are magnificent and large lithographs, typographs, etchings and wood engravings of characters from fiction.

    Charles Dickens's Works -Sketches by Boz and Great Expections - 1850 - Illustrations by George Cruikshank
    These are classic Cruikshank illustrations of Dickens's early works.

    City Ballads - 1885 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed etchings of scenes suggested by the Fiction.

    Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son - Wholesale Retail and for Exportation - 1902 - Illustrations by Hablot Knight Browne (Phiz)
    These are etchings by Phiz who was personnally selected by Dickens to illustrate his works. This novel was originally published in monthly chapter installments with 2 etchings by Phiz with each chapter.

    Dombey and Sons - unda - Illustrations by Brown
    These are etchings by Phiz who was personnally selected by Dickens to illustrate his works. This novel was originally published in monthly chapter installments with 2 etchings by Phiz with each chapter.

    Farm Ballads - 1873 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed etchings of scenes suggested by the Fiction.

    Farm Ballads - 1873 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed etchings of scenes suggested by the Fiction.

    Farm Festivals - 1881 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are beautifully printed etchings of scenes suggested by the Fiction.

    Farm Legends - 1875 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are beautifully printed etchings of scenes suggested by the Fiction.

    George Eliots Complete Works Vol IV-VIII - 1883 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed etchings of scenes suggested by the Fiction.

    Jane Eyre - 1944 - Illustrations by Edward A. Wilson
    Small book Beautifully illustrated by Edward A. Wilson in tricolor woodblocks.

    Lionel Forster of Quarteron - 1891 - Illustrations by John Gehrts
    These are exquisite lithographs of etchings of scenes from the American Civil War.

    Little Lord Fauntleroy - 1886 - Illustrations by Reginald Birch
    These are nice little drawings.

    Novels and Dramas of Victor Hugo - 1890 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are magnificent wood engravings depicting scences of the novels -Notre Dame- -The History of a Crime- -Les Miserable Part 2- -By Order of the King- -Hernani- -The Kings Diversion- -Ruy Blas-

    Paul and Virginia - 1879 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful steel engravings by various artists depicting scences of the novel.

    Schillers Werke - 1877 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed lithographs of etching of mythical and historical events.

    Tales of a Traveller - 1897 - Illustrations by Frank T. Merril
    These are beautiful little pen-and-ink drawings illustrating the essays.

    Ten Girls from Dickens - 1905 - Illustrations by George Alfred Williams
    The are very nice lothographs of painting of 10 of Dickens Fictional Girls

    The Complete Works of Charles Dickens in 16 volumes - Nicholas Nickleby - 1892 - Illustrations by Unknonw
    These are georgeoulsy printed etchings of the characters of Nicholas Nickleby.

    The Courtship of Miles Standish - 1903 - Illustrations by Howard Chandlr Christy
    A combination of color paintings and B/W pencil sketches. The pencil sketches are lovely.

    The Fiction of Robert Burns - 1896 - Illustrations by William Hole
    Four volumes Gorgeous Etchings printed as etchings in the book. Title pages of all 4 volumes are beautiful.

    The First Lady in the Land or When Dolly Todd Took Boarders - 1912 - Illustrations by Giles
    These a beautiful little painting depicting characters and scenes from the novel.

    The Gambler - 1905 - Illustrations by John Cameron
    These are very small but very nice BW depicting scenes from the novel.

    The Gods are Athirst - 1917 - Illustrations by John Austen
    These are gorgeous illustrations muted colors in the art deco style.

    The Knights at Bay - 1935 - Illustrations by Oscar Ogg
    This are nice woodcuts from the novel with a lot of Knights and action

    The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby - 1890 - Illustrations by Barnard
    These are striking black and white lithographs of etchings depicting scenes and characters from the novel

    The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman - 1928 - Illustrations by John Austen
    These are black and white woodblocks of the characters and scenes from the book. The are bold and almost comical. I you have an Uncle Toby you want to look at these.

    The Personal History of David Copperfield Vol II - 1917 - Illustrations by Phiz
    These are small lithographs of etchings by Dickens favorite artist -- Phiz

    The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell - 1885 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These small pieces are about subjects suggested in his Fiction.

    The Virginian A Horseman of the Plains - 1902 - Illustrations by Arthur I. Keller
    These are very nice lithographs of original painting depicting scenes of the novel.

    The Works of Charles Reade Volume Five - 1894 - Illustrations by Unknown
    Beautiful executed and printed wood engravings depicting scenes from the novels.

    The Works of Charles Reade Volume Four - 1894 - Illustrations by Unknown
    Beautiful executed and printed wood engravings depicting scenes from the novels.

    The Works of Washington Irving - 1885 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are beautiful lithographs of etchings illustration characters and scenes from the works.

    The Works of Washington Irving The Alhambra and Tales of a Traveler - 1897 - Illustrations by Unknown Artist
    These are outstanding lithographs of original etchings illustrating scenes from the works.

    The Works of Washington Irving The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus - 1897 - Illustrations by Unknown Artist
    These are outstanding lithographs of original etchings illustrating scenes from the works.

    The Writings of Bret Harte - 1896 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful and small photogravures of images from the novel - Tales of the Argonauts

    Two Little Pilgrims Progess - 1895 - Illustrations by Reginald Birch
    These are nice little drawings depicting scenes from the story.

    Vanity Fair - 1874 - Illustrations by Thackeray
    These are stunning and humurous sketches of characters and scenes form the novel done by the author.

    Walden - 1939 - Illustrations by Thomas W. Nason
    These are woodblocks by one of may personally favorite artists. The striking and clear. When I look out our home windows after an inch of snow which is stuck on every branch of every tree I always think of Nason.

    Waverly Novels - Ivanhoe & Heart - 1890 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are etchings which illustrate the characters and scenes of the novels

    Waverly Novels - Vol V - The Abbott & Kenelwork & The Pirate and Vol VIII - The Talisman & The Two Drovers & My Aunt Margarets Mirror & Death of the Lairds Jock & Woodstock & Count Robert of Paris - 1890 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are etching collages of characters and scens from the novels

    When She was about Sixteen - 1910 - Illustrations by Howard Chandler Christy
    These are beautiful pencil sketches with just a touch of Tangerine color. They highlight characters and scenes in the poetry.


    A Collection of Letters of Thackeray - 1886 - Illustrations by Thackeray and others
    These are wonderful little sketches by Thackery and some magnificent portraits of Thackeray.

    A History of New England - 1879 - Illustrations by Various
    These are gorgeous steel etchings and beautiful lithographs of etchings and wood engravings from the 6 states of New England.

    A History of the United States - 1913 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nice lithographs and maps deficting the history of the United States

    Americas War with Spain - 1898 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are etchings of scenes from the Spanish-American War and include color painting of war-ships.

    Art and Artist of Our Time Vols I II III - 1888 - Illustrations by Various
    there are three types of prints here. First are gorgeous etchings from famous artists and engravers. Second fine lithographs from etchings or engravings from famous artists. Third lithographs of famous paintings.

    Colonial Virginia - 1907 - Illustrations by Various
    These are interesting historical photos of notable Virginia locations.

    Cross and Crown - 1875 - Illustrations by James D. McCabe Jr.
    These are georgious small steel etchings by the famous engravers Sartain and the Illman Brothers

    Europe Illustrated - 1888 - Illustrations by Various
    These are magnificent and large engravings depicting various in Europe.

    Great Men and Famous Women - 1894 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully done photogravures and typogravures of etchings, wood-engravings and pen-pencil sketches of historical characters and events.

    Historical Collections of The Great West - 1855 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful, small and elegant little india-tinted engravings of the American West

    History of the United States - 1927 - Illustrations by Various
    These are small historical maps.

    Illustrated World History in Four Volumes - Volume 4 - 1910 - Illustrations by
    These are very nice historical paintings and portraits illustrating world history.

    Martins Popular History of France - 1882 - Illustrations by Various
    These lithographs and etchings are of portraits, architecture and scenes important in French history. They are all beautifully printed.

    Masters of Art a Series of Illustrated Monographs - 1906 - Illustrations by Various
    These are lithographs of photographs of famous historical paintings

    Memoirs of Count Grammont - 1889 - Illustrations by Various
    These are georgeous photgravures of paintings of french history and portraits from the Windsor Beauties

    Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte vols II and III - 1891 - Illustrations by Various
    These are mostly portraits of important people in the time of Napleon Bonaparte. The are very nicely printed.

    Men and Memories A History of the Arts 1872-1922 - - Illustrations by Rothenstein and others
    These are nice little portraits and other paintings by the author and others.

    Men of our Times - 1868 - Illustrations by Various
    These are steel engravings of famous men of the late 1800s. They are heavily foxed but are still frameable.

    Modern Music and Musicians - 1918 - Illustrations by Various
    These are paintings - photos - and portraits of famous composers through history

    Modern Times and the Living Past - 1921 - Illustrations by Various
    These are small but interesting maps of the world through history.

    Oriental Rugs - 1900 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful Chromolithographic prints of photographs of beautiful Oriental Rugs.

    Rambles around Old Boston - 1914 - Illustrations by Lester G. Hornby
    These are beautiful and charming sketches around old Boston which are expertly printed on this cream color paper.

    Story of the Worlds Worship - 1901 - Illustrations by Various
    These are lithographs of interesting etchings of the worlds religious sites festivals and statues.

    Success and its Achievers - Illustrated - 1891 - Illustrations by Various
    These are mostly early lithographs of photographs of famous people of the late 1800s.

    Tales of the Frozen North - 1884 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are wonderful lithographs of etching of the arctic, its explorers, natives, animals and scenery.

    Ten Years among the Mail Bags - 1888 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nice drawings depicting the early days of the Post Office.

    The Arcturus Adventure - 1930 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful and interesting photos and description of unusual fish.

    The Conquest of Turkey or The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire 1877-8 - 1878 - Illustrations by Various
    These are handsome lithographs of etchings of locations scenes leaders and peoples of the war between Russia and Turkey.

    The Court of Napoleon or Society under the first Empire - 1875 - Illustrations by Champagne
    These are extraordinary steel engravings of the women in the court of Napolean

    The Great Fires of Chicago and the West - 1871 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are interesting lithographs of engravings (mostly from photos) of the 1871 fire and its aftermath in Chicago

    The Greater Republic - 1900 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nicely printed half-tones of images depicting the history of the USA up till 1900.

    The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans with Biographical Sketches - 1854 - Illustrations by Various
    These portraits are exemplary. The pages have heavy foxxing but not on the images themselves. Each page includes a signature of the person dipicted. These are truly exquisite.

    The Soldier in our Civil War - 1893 - Illustrations by Various
    These are magnificently drawn and engraved scenes, battles, maps and person of the American Civil War


    The Complete Home - 1903 - Illustrations by Various
    These are small but charming drawings of home life.


    Etching & Etchers - 1905 - Illustrations by Philip Gilbert Hamerton
    These are very interesting etchings of various subjects. They were done by the author who is also a remarkable artist himself. The are etchings (not lithographs) of various other artists work to instruct the reader on the process and history of etchings. Each piece comes with a descrption of the bitings of etching process used.


    Godeys Magazine - 1870 - Illustrations by Various
    These are fragments of fashion plates in color.

    Harper's New Monthy Magazine December 1886 to May 1887 - 1887 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings, drawings and paintings.

    Harpers New Monthly Magazine 1866 - 1866 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings

    Harpers New Monthly Magazine 1870 - 1870 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings

    Harpers New Monthly Magazine 1887 - 1887 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings

    Harpers New Monthly Magazine 1895 - 1895 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings

    Petersons Magazine - 1871 - Illustrations by Various
    Exceptional engravings, beautifil lithographs, womens fashion both BW and Color.

    Petersons Magazine - 1875 - Illustrations by Various
    These are fragments of fashion plates in color and miscellaneous pages in black-and-white.

    Scribners Magazine 1889 - 1889 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings

    Scribners Magazine 1904 - 1904 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs and chromolithographs of etchings, drawings and paintings

    Scribners Magazine 1910 - 1910 - Illustrations by Various
    Typical nice lithographs of etchings

    The Ladies Repository & Monthly Periodical devoted to Literature and Religion - 1861 - Illustrations by Various
    These are original steel engravings of beautiful subjects and portraits.


    Wunder-Doktor - 1933 - Illustrations by Unknown Artist
    These are Comical sketches of the medical profession


    The Musical Entertainer - - Illustrations by Unknown
    These reproductions are from the The Musical Entertainer a gorgeous collection of popular 18th-century songs of the theater street and elegant parlor equisitely engraved and illustrated with vignettes


    The Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art - 1911 - Illustrations by Various
    These are mostly brown and white depictions of statues of Mythological Characters on pale yellow-orange backgrounds.


    Birds of New England and Adjacent States - 1867 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nice black and white drawings of many kinds of birds.

    Bishop's Wildfowl - 1948 - Illustrations by Richard E. Biship
    These are nice reproductions of wild water birds like ducks egrets geese etc. Some are reproducitions of colored oil painting and others are of etchings and drypoints.

    Earth Sea and Sky or Marvels of the Universe - 1887 - Illustrations by Various
    These are interesting etchings of pre-historic wild and sea animals and amazing trees of the world.

    Squirrels and other Fur-Bearers - 1875 - Illustrations by James Audubon
    These are small paintings by Audobon of everday backyard animals. They would be great in a child's room.

    The Life Story of Birds - 1930 - Illustrations by Erick Fitch Daglish
    These are striking black and white wood engravings by the famous british artist and author. He also illustrated works by Izaak Walton  and Henry David Thoreau.

    The South Country - 1932 - Illustrations by Erick Fitch Daglish
    These are striking black and white wood engravings by the famous british artist and author. He also illustrated works by Izaak Walton  and Henry David Thoreau.


    A Private Printing Selected Works of the Artist John S. Coppin - 1947 - Illustrations by John S. Coppin
    These are faithful reproductions of paintings of John S. Coppin.

    A Treasury of American Prints - 1939 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful B/W prints of famous paintings and drawings of 20th century ameican artists.

    Birds - 1930 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are nice prints of nice bird paintings.

    Collection of Etchings - - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are interesting historical etchings

    Collection of large Asian prints - - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are nice reproductions of asian watercolors.

    Collection of large black and white line etchings. - - Illustrations by Dickson
    These are unusal etchings in that they are line etchings that is like a line drawing.

    Collections of fine etchings - - Illustrations by Various
    These are large very finely presented etchings.

    Dekorative Vorbilder Band 20 - 1909 - Illustrations by Various
    These are from a famous German publication for Architects, Designers and Artists. The pieces are glorious examples of Art Nuveau Art and Decoration.

    Flower Prints - - Illustrations by Prevost
    This is a random collection of flower prints in differenct sizes.

    Flowers of the Wind A Selection of North American Butterflies - 1984 - Illustrations by Mario Fernandez
    Fernandez is one of best loved current artists. He specializes in exquisate paintings of Birds and Animals. He is most famous for his paintings of Eagles. These painting of butterflies are from a signed and numbers private portfolio that he produced for dealers. Each piece is signed in pencil by the artist.

    Joseph Pennells Pictures in the Land of Temples - 1915 - Illustrations by Joseph Pennell
    These are reproductions of lithographs done during a trip to Sicily, Italy and Greece

    Large magnificent etchings - 1888 - Illustrations by Various
    This is an exquisite collection of fine etchings on thick paper with a separate page of the same size with a description of the story behind the piece. These etchings are truly magnificent.

    My own sketches - None - Illustrations by Torborg
    These ae my own sketches from college days in Europe.

    Oriental prints - Les Editions Braun Et Cie - Paris - - Illustrations by Various
    These six oriental pieces are beautifully printed in France.

    Portrait etchings of famous europeans of the 1400s 1500s 1600s and 1700s - - Illustrations by Various
    These are undated but very fine (and sometimes very funny looking) reproductions of portraits of famous people.

    Sketches by David Orr - None - Illustrations by Orr
    This is one of David Orr's wonderful sketches. He is an artist, carpenter and theatre owner in Indianapolis.

    The Lusiads - 1872 - Illustrations by Various
    These are truly magnificent reproductions of etchings form 1837 commemorating the 4th centenary of the first edition of this epic poem.

    Untitled collection of Birds of America prints - 1827 - Illustrations by James Audubon
    These are undated reproductions of Bird prints from Birds of America.


    Cyclopedia of Engineering - 1916 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are interesting early photos of early industrial machinery.

    Imperial Reference Library Volumes I-V - 1901 - Illustrations by Unknown and Various
    These are very nice and large lithographs and chromolithographs of portraits, maps, architectural styles and misc catagories and in BW and Color

    The New Practical Reference Library Vol IV - 1910 - Illustrations by Various
    This volume consist of portrait photos, maps, historical photos, illustrations of flora and fauna and various other illustrations.

    The New Practical Reference Library Vols I-V - 1909 - Illustrations by Various
    These books consist of portrait photos, maps, historical photos, illustrations of flora and fauna and various other illustrations.

    The Students Cyclopaedia - 1901 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nice renditions of various subjects and portraits

    The Students Cyclopaedia - 1893 - Illustrations by Various
    These are nice renditions of various subjects and portraits

    The Winston Dictionary for Schools - 1933 - Illustrations by Various
    These are intereresting B/W and color examples of flags, animals, flowers, ships, planes, cars and sailboat sails.

    The Winston Simplified Dictionary - 1924 - Illustrations by Unknown
    This is small dictionary with very nice color illustrations of various group of animals and plants.


    From Greenland's Icy Mountains - 1885 - Illustrations by Thomas Guilfoye and Edmund H.
    These are beautiful designs connected to a famous hymn.

    The Sermon on the Mount - 1885 - Illustrations by Various
    These are combination paintings and quotations of the entire Sermon on the Mount.


    Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries and Game - 1905 - Illustrations by Various
    These are BW and Color drawings mostly of fish and birds and maps showing the lakes and rivers of several Indiana Counties.

    Report of the Secretary of Agriculture - 1893 - Illustrations by Various
    These are color paintings of fruit and nuts and backyard animals. They are exemplary.

    Report of the Secretary of Agriculture - 1890 - Illustrations by Various
    These are color paintings of fruit and mushrooms and various other subjects having to do with agriculture.

    Report of the Secretary of Agriculture - 1879 - Illustrations by Various
    These are magnificent drawings of grasses, canes and insects.

    Report of the Secretary of Agriculture - 1891 - Illustrations by Various
    These are magnificent drawings of plants and trees, with a few maps.

    Report of the USDA - 1904 - Illustrations by Deborah Griscom Passmore and E
    These are color paintings of fruit and nuts painted by several artists working for the US Department of Agriculture. We also have larger versions of some of these but these are 'original' to their purpose.

    Report of the USDA - 1908 - Illustrations by Passmore Schutt and Various
    These are color paintings of fruit and nuts painted by several artists working for the US Department of Agriculture. We also have larger versions of some of these but these are 'original' to their purpose.

    Report of the USDA 1871 - 1872 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are B/W drawings of mainly four subjects - New colleges of agriculture - Equipment pattented in 1871 - Animals - Fungus attacking grapes pears tomatoes and lilac.

    Report of the USDA 1886 - 1886 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are B/W drawings of mainly three subjects - Insects - Food - Wildflowers

    Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture - 1897 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful color paintings of fruit, nuts, flowers and mushrooms.

    Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture - 1911 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful color paintings of fruit and insects.

    Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture - 1913 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful color paintings of fruit nuts and birds.

    Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture - 1910 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful color paintings of fruit.

    Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture - 1901 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautiful color paintings of fruit and plants and B/W paintings of fowl and misc old photos of agricultural subjects and equipment


    A Life of William Shakespeare - 1899 - Illustrations by Various
    These are No 1 photogravures of important people in Shakespeares time and No 2 Lithographs showing famous locales around the same time.

    Tales from Shakespeare - 1878 - Illustrations by Hammond
    These are lovely color drawings of scenes from Shakespeare's plays as retold in prose.

    Tales from Shakespeare - 1878 - Illustrations by Unknown Artists
    These are very small line drawings of scenes from each of Shakespeares works retold.

    The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - 1932 - Illustrations by Rockwell Kent
    These are the typical exciting and Art Deco style woodblocks of Rockwell Kent - One for each of Shakespeares plays.

    The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakespeare Histories Vol. 2 - 1890 - Illustrations by Unknown
    Beautiful intricate etchings and highly stylized and decorative but lightly printed chapter art.


    A Voyage in the Sunbeam - 1890 - Illustrations by Various and Unknown
    These are beautifully detailed and beautifully printed etchings of South America, Japan and China

    Germany Illustrated with Pen and Pencil - 1891 - Illustrations by Various
    These are large and well-done lithographs of drawings and etchings around Germany from the late 19th Century.

    Illustrated Library of Travel The Lake Regions of Central Africa - 1889 - Illustrations by Various
    These are beautifully printed etchings showing scenes of travel in central Africa.

    Our Journey Around the World - 1895 - Illustrations by Various
    These are very nice lithographs of etchings taken from photos of a journey through India China Japan Austrailia New Zealand Egypt, Palestine, Greece, Turkey, Italy, France and Spain.

    Picturesque America - 1872 - Illustrations by Various
    These are gorgeous steel etchings and beautiful lithographs of etchings and wood engravings from around america.

    The Golden Gate through Sunrise Lands - 1894 - Illustrations by Various
    These are very interesting lithographs of etchings showing scenes of California, China, Japan and Australia.

    The Italian Lakes - 1908 - Illustrations by Ella Du Cane
    These are beautiful little paintings of Northern Italian Lakes and the surrounding villages and villas at the turn of the century.

    The Land of the Midnight Sun (Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden Norway Lapland and Northerrn Finland - 1882 - Illustrations by Unknown
    These are beautiful etchings of mountains and waterfalls and other scenes of a journey.

    Through the Gates of the Netherlands - 1908 - Illustrations by Various Dutch Masters
    These are small lithographs of famous paintings by famous Dutch Masters.

    With Star and Crescent - 1888 - Illustrations by A. Locher
    These are beautifully detailed drawings of the "East" and beautifully printed.
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    Phillip II - King of Spain
     Phillip II - King of ...
    Puck Ashore
     Puck Ashore
    Jeanne Francoise Julie Adelaide Bernard
     Jeanne Francoise Juli...
    Plan Of Panama Canl Excavations
     Plan Of Panama Canl E...
    Rug Woven For A Pilgrims Offering At Mecca
     Rug Woven For A Pilgr...